Empirical Casestudy on Approaches to Sampled Control

  • Alexandra Burger
  • Jens Wellhausen
Keywords: discrete control, PI-controller, state space control, observer, feedforward control, structure with two degrees of freedom


Two main approaches on sampled control are compared, the descrete equivalent design and the direct discrete design. Both design methods are used to implement a control system for a real plant, DC-motor. It is shown that discrete equivalent design works well with su cient high sampling rates and that direct discrete design works nearly independent of sampling time.


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How to Cite
Burger, A. and Wellhausen, J. 2017. Empirical Casestudy on Approaches to Sampled Control. MENDEL. 23, 1 (Jun. 2017), 171-178. DOI:https://doi.org/10.13164/mendel.2017.1.171.
Research articles